Submissions to the National Court Register from 1 July 2021 only electronically.

As of July 1, 2021, all applications to the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register can only be submitted via the electronic system.

The changes in regulations cover not only the first applications submitted to the Register by obliged entities, but also update applications in case of possible changes in the entry.

Applications to the KRS in electronic form must be certified by an entity authorized to represent the entity with one of the possible electronic signatures having legal force, i. e. a qualified electronic signature or a trusted ePUAP profile.

The catalogue of e-services associated with the registry are:

  • filing electronic applications for entry in or amendment to the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register;
  • filing of pleadings with the registry court;
  • reporting financial documents to the Register of Financial Documents;
  • electronic correspondence with the court of registration;
  • reviewing the electronic registration files of entities entered in the register of entrepreneurs;
  • making available information on an entity entered in the National Court Register;

Pursuant to the new wording of art. 19 sec. 7 of the Act on the National Court Register, an application submitted in a different form (e. g. paper) and not paid for will be returned without a request to remedy deficiencies.

The above change does not apply to entities subject to entry in the register of associations, other social and professional organisations, foundations and independent public health care entities. For these entities, it is possible to submit the application on paper or electronically.

Note - the right to choose the form of application does not apply to non-governmental organisations carrying out economic activity, for which the changes described above are binding.